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We need food to live and that is a fact, but not all foods are created equal and if you have fibromyalgia you will want to read further on what foods you should eat if you have fibromyalgia.  


Fibromyalgia is a disorder that encompasses widespread musculoskeletal pain that is accompanied by sleep, memory, and mood issues.  Fatigue is also a major symptom. Pain sensations are amplified. Headaches, depression, anxiety, and irritable bowel disorders are common and seem to go hand in hand with fibromyalgia.  Cognitive difficulties such as brain fog, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome are also usually reported.  

There is currently no cure for fibromyalgia, but there are things you can do to help the symptoms. Once diagnosed, medication, exercise, and rest is usually prescribed. 

What causes fibromyalgia?

Medical professionals do not know what causes fibromyalgia.  Symptoms seem to occur after a big event like surgery, infection, physical trauma, and/or psychological stress. 

A variety of theories exist such that changes in a person’s pain pathways cause them to feel more intense pain compared to normal pain.  Another theory, even though experts tend to disagree, is that this disorder involves inflammation of your nerves. 

No single treatment can cure fibromyalgia, but there are options.What everyone does seem to agree on is that dietary choices may make a difference by helping ease your symptoms. 


So what do you eat? 

Eat all the fruits and vegetables you desire.  The more you consume of fresh fruits and vegetables ensures plenty of nutrients to help heal and soothe your body.  


Eat Vegetables for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief - Aromalief

Vegetables are nutrition powerhouses. 

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Antioxidants
  • Fiber
  • Phytonutrients
  • Carbohydrates

Inflammation, free radicals, germs, viruses, fungi, and even cancer are greatly reduced due to the nature of vegetables.



Eat fruits for fibromyalgia pain relief - Aromalief

Fruits may have been given a bad rap over the years for their sugar content, but these gems are actually super healthy for you. 

  • Low Calories
  • Vitamins
  • Water
  • Fiber
  • Flavonoids
  • Micro-nutrients
  • Minerals
  • Low Fat

Plant-based is the way to go when dealing with illness and disease.  Anti-inflammatory diets can help with chronic pain and healing. Since many plant-based foods are rich in antioxidants, eating lots of fruits and vegetables help the body dispose of free radicals.  Left alone, free radicals can lead to oxidative stress.  

Obesity seems to play a major role in people with fibromyalgia. This increase in weight increases your risk of oxidative stress and inflammation.  Eating a large variety of fruits and vegetables, while cutting out meat, dairy, and eggs is optimal for better health. This way of eating can also help you reach a more positive weight.  

Diet recommendations are not a standard practice for fibromyalgia, but evidence suggests that adopting an anti-inflammatory diet can ease symptoms of chronic pain.  


In addition to eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, getting your daily requirement of vitamin D is very important.  A possible link between fibromyalgia symptoms and vitamin D deficiency has been studied, according to the National Institutes of Health.  

Sunshine is your best provider of vitamin D.  People have been too afraid of the sun for too long which is recreating a vitamin D deficiency epidemic.  Get yourself some rays. Just a few minutes in the sun can give you plenty of natural vitamin D. People that live in mostly cloudy areas or don’t get outside often can suffer from vitamin D deficiency.   

Catching rays not for you?  Grab some non-dairy yogurt fortified with vitamin D.  Other great sources of this important vitamin include fortified orange juice, non-dairy milks, and cereals. 

Mushrooms are another good source of vitamin D and believe it or not, if you put them out in the sun for a bit, they embrace the sun for even more vitamin D.  Some people may be sensitive to nightshade vegetables, so keep an out if you may be sensitive too. 

If all of the above is not enough, you can always add a daily supplement to your routine.  


Eat whole grains for fibromyalgia pain relief - Aromalief

Whole grains are much more nutritious for your body than refined grains. Refined grains have most of their nutrients stripped when processing.  Whole grains are beneficial providing your body with antioxidants, B vitamins, fiber, protein, and vitamin E. Quinoa, rye, barley, oats, and brown rice are excellent choices. 


Eat healthy oils for fibromyalgia pain relief - Aromalief

Eat the Mediterranean way! Healthy oils like olive oil are a good addition to your positive way of eating. 


Eat ginger for fibromyalgia pain relief - Aromalief

Herbs and spices are the flavor of life.  They are plants, seeds, and roots cut or ground up to add pizazz and a whole host of nutrients to your foods.  They contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which can help with inflammation. There is more out there than just salt and pepper.  Think turmeric, cayenne, cinnamon, and ginger.  

Fibromyalgia symptoms doesn't have to rule your life.  Eating healthy whole foods, getting some exercise and rest can make a world of difference.  Try to incorporate them all into your lifestyle. They will benefit your health and wellbeing no matter what ails you.  

This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Please consult your doctor before dietary changes.

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